My Life in Social Media

Awal kisahnya, beberapa waktu yang lalu saya sempat “ngobrol” dengan beberapa orang tentang socmed favorit. Ada beberapa yang sepandangan, ada yang tidak. Hoho… menarik. Jadi-jadi, di sini saya ingin share tentang perilaku saya dalam beberapa socmed dan beberapa pendapat subjektif, mengingat cinta saya yang besar terhadap socmed hingga hampir tidak ada satu hari bagi saya tanpa membuka socmed (halah..) Pembahasan diurutkan berdasarkan waktu pembuatan account.


Pertama kali join: waktu SMA, lupa kelas berapa
Fitur yang sering digunakan: write testimonial, update status, edit profile, costume CSS, blogging, messaging.

Yang bikin betah di Friendster dulu itu fitur costume CSS. Bisa berlama-lama buat menghias profile.   Selain itu, tertarik banget ama fitur testimonial Friendster, sampai-sampai sempat meminta-minta tukeran testimonial ke teman-teman. Hoho. Menurut saya, testimonial itu penting buat mengenali diri sendiri. Walaupun jarang juga sih yang mau ngomongin testimonial kurang enak di Friendster 😛

Yang bikin nggak betah di Friendster: ya cuma gitu-gitu aja, terus temen-temennya pada pindah ke Facebook.


Pertama kali join: 3 Oktober 2007
Fitur yang sering digunakan:  comment, like, group activity, ngucapin ultah, main game, sharing link.

Yang bikin betah di Facebook itu banyak temaaaan. Saking banyaknya sampai ada yang gak inget mukanya 😛 Karena banyak temen di Facebook juga, kadang kalau saya nggak punya nomer handphone, YM, ID Plurk, atau pin BB, saya akan menggunakan media Facebook untuk komunikasi.  Facebook buat saya merupakan alat komunikasi yang cukup penting karena selain banyak teman, di Facebook ada grup dan event yang sangat berguna untuk pertukaran informasi. Selain itu, Facebook juga bikin betah karena adanya game dan birthday reminder. Satu hal lagi.. stalking di Facebook semakin lama semakin dipermudah. Jadilah saya semakin betah di Facebook 😛

Yang bikin nggak betah di Facebook: kadang dicuekin kalau nge-message (ngelag juga sih), request friend entah dari siapa, tag-tagan foto ngiklan produk, request game yang udah gak saya mainin lagi, status galau, status ngeluh, dan terutama status marah-marah. Oh ya, bukannya saya nggak pernah marah, tapi saya lebih suka memarahi orang yang ingin saya marahi daripada merusuhi news feed teman-teman saya yang nggak bersalah.  Lebih efektif menuju sasaran 😛


Pertama kali join: 1 September 2009
Fitur yang sering digunakan: plurk status baru, comment, replurk, share (ini sih semua fitur).

Yang bikin betah di Plurk itu walaupun temennya nggak banyak, kenal cukup dekat sama semua teman ^^  UI di Plurk menurut saya sangat nyaman karena teratur dan membuat semua Plurk mudah untuk dibaca tanpa terlewat satu pun. Hoho. Selain itu, sistem per-karma-an dan per-emoticon-an Plurk sangat menarik. Jadi menambah semangat orang untuk ber-Plurk ria. Ohya, di Plurk ini, sebagian besar teman saya berasal dari program studi yang sama dengan saya, jadi seringkali Plurk juga digunakan buat tempat bertanya tentang dunia yang penuh kode.

Yang bikin nggak betah di Plurk: request dari teman entah siapa, plurk galau, plurk ngeluh, plurk marah-marah. Btw, tentang request teman entah siapa ini ada suatu kejadian yang membuat saya mengubah settingan privasi dari publik ke privat. Dan saya jauh lebih nyaman dengan privasi privat yang sekarang, dengan hanya teman saya yang dapat membaca plurk saya 😀


Pertama kali join: tahun 2011, lupa persisnya kapan
Fitur yang paling sering digunakan: baca tweet orang, reply, retweet.

Yang bikin betah: tweet temen yang bisa dianalisis (kalau ada), account tweet @iamsrk.
Yang bikin nggak betah: UInya kurang nyaman, loadingnya lama, tweet bersambung. Suka heran kenapa gak bikin blog aja daripada nyambung-nyambung tweet >.<


Pertama kali join: tahun 2011
Fitur yang paling sering digunakan: +1

Yang bikin betah: UInya interaktif, nggak perlu daftar lagi soalnya udah ada gmail.

Yang bikin nggak betah: saya merasa account socmed saya udah terlalu banyak. Repot ngurusnya, jadi yang di Google+ dicuekin aja. Hoho.

Yap, untuk menutup post kali ini, ada polling kecil-kecilan. Moga-moga ada yang ngisi 😀

Ini cerita socmedku, bagaimana cerita socmedmu?


AOTULE Student Exchange: Homestay at Papitusulem

This part of the program just become the one of best memories I ever had.. I had gone to several villages before about four times, three times when I was in senior high school and one time when I was first year university student. The four village-visits I joined before were social visits. That’s why the houses that I lived in the four villages were unsophisticated: there was a house which the bathroom was located beside cowshed and there was a house which had an open-air bathroom.. But, in Papitusulem I got good facilities even better than facilities in UM 😛

Let me start telling the precious memory from the very beginning…


The briefing took place on Thursday, 7th July 2011 about 9pm near Kolej cafeteria. Ms. Leena explained some activities that we would do in the Homestay. I just remembered a few activities that actually were canceled:  taking a bath at the river (wow!), eating nasi somewhat (I think the name was Nasi Krawu..am I right? ),  seeing firefly, and dancing Poco-Poco (I learned this dance on elementary school 😛 ).  For joining those activities, we were asked to bring several things mentioned in the checklist. Two important things that I didn’t have were torch lamp and mosquito repeller. Well I just hate mosquito as well as walking in the night without light. I thought I had a kind of trauma with walking in the night without light…


My ITB friends and I went to mini market and bookstore at Perdanasiswa building while Fang and Lawrence went outside the campus. My ITB friends and I reached Perdanasiswa building by walking..  kinda far, right? I bought Panadol at mini market and torch lamp at the book store Pekan Buku. The torch lamp was quite expensive, but I still bought it because I really needed it. We only found one mosquito repeller and no one wanted to buy the last one. Dea bought about 10 roll of tissue and she gave me one roll. Thank you Dea 🙂

We came back to Kolej 10 with a taxi because we were tired of walking   Before 11 am, Fang, Dea, and I leaved our rooms together.  Chee Lit were helping Fang bringing her luggage when Dea and I realized that our ITB male friends should help us also. Haha.. Maybe the-women-empowerment-day made our ITB male friends thought that women were as strong as men. 

Trip to Papitusulem

We  from AOTULE program had our own bus together with our facilitators. As usual, I took a seat beside Dea, but the chair beside Dea was broken so I took a seat beside Tika. During the trip, there was a movie showed, a super irrational movie that made me laugh a lot.  Tika woke up because hearing me laugh. How can’t I laugh… the movie translated baby (means darling) into bayi

I captured this photo inside the bus

About 1 or 2 pm, the bus stopped.. giving us time to have lunch and pray. Actually Dea and I had our lunch before, so we just went to mini market, masjid, wandering around, and buying mosquito repeller on the drugstore. Andreas, Syamsudin, Dea, and I went back to the bus while waiting for our friends. We had some chit-chat in Indonesia when the bus driver suddenly told us that he came from Indonesia, to be specific: Java (maybe Surabaya). He said like this (PS: sorry, I don’t have a strong recall ):  “saya merantau ke sini karena dihina oleh paman dan tante. Saya dulu tak punya apa-apa tapi sekarang saya punya bisnis transportasi” (translated: I came here because I was insulted by my uncles and aunties. I was poor but now I had my own transportation business). He mentioned that he already had about 4 buses (CMIIW). He could fund his siblings and his children’s education fees. Good luck, Pak Cik! 😀

The bus continued moving, Ridhwan joined into our bus, Tika moved to the seat in front of me, and Chee Lit take a seat beside me. “It’s ok if I sit here?” Chee Lit asked. Yes, Chee Lit.. I won’t bit you like crocodiles and snakes bit people in the movie.   As the bus moved, the first movie ended and the second movie showed. The second movie was a Thailand movie.. a good one but I can’t remember the title. The movie started with a super-comel-girl playing with a giant and the entire people in the bus said “cuteeeeee!”.


Jowo Ketoro

We had an arrival ceremony at a gathering place in the village.  The villagers gave us Rosella drink, cakes and kacang hijau aka green beans. I was surprised because the villagers could speak Javanese.  “Your foster parents can’t talk in English.. ” said someone from UM (maybe Ms. Leena) then I heard a loud laughter behind me… (Quiz: who did laugh a loud?).

On the arrival ceremony, we were called one by one and assigned as foster children to villagers. I was waiting and waiting for a calling but  my name wasn’t called. Huhu. There was something wrong.. I was supposed to have same home with Dea, Chisato, and a lot of boys. But Dea’s name was printed twice then they thought Chisato was the only girl who stayed with such a lot of boys and they moved Chisato. I was left.. I was just like “Putri yang Ditukar”  But fortunately, Ms. Leena said that I could stay with her, together with Ms. Tay, Ms. Mas, Mila, and Tika. The house we stayed was just near the boys’ house. We got a lot of people staying in a group of houses. The house we stayed had an air conditioner, a television, and a refrigerator.  Aaaaa, so happy 

First Day Activities

Photo at Paddy Field

We (females) reached the house using foster parent’s car but our male friends walked, hehe. Soon after arriving at the house, Tika and Mila asked me to help the foster parent preparing dinner. But the foster parent reject it..hue. Our males friends were busy picking, spliting, and eating coconut and we decided to join them.

After eating coconut, we wandered around the paddy field and went back when we heard adzan maghrib. After maghrib, we had dinner together, using our hand to eat, no spoon.  The food was good, better than Kolej food 😛

Then we spent our night taking jumping photos and playing game. The game was introducing ourselves using body movements and all of us must repeat those names with the same body movements. This game helped us to remember our friend’s name 🙂 Because we were tired after this game, we rejected Mahmood’s request to play more game. Tika, Mila, and I watch television before we went to slept. I shared a bed with Tika. Mila used a bed near the television (and also near the air conditioner).

Second Day Activities
We had breakfast before doing our activities. The foster parent prepared noodle (or nasi lemak, I forget) for us. Then a truck came to picked us. We went to a somewhere using the truck together.. so interesting! During the trip, we waved our hands to people we met and I listened to Mila’s singing “Ku Tak Sanggup” 😀

Dea and I did Kayaking

The truck stopped, I saw a river with several boats. Wow.. we would do kayaking! I never tried kayaking before. I got Dea to be my partner in kayaking 🙂 While waiting for our turn, accidentally I dropped my left slipper to the river. Hua  After being “Putri yang Ditukar”, I was just like Cinderella who lost her left slipper 😦 Lucky me, Guangkai helped to take the slipper using a paddle… Thank you Guangkai. You were the hero of the day 🙂

Kayaking was not as easy as I thought, we had to keep our balance and movement. Dea and I used  our voices to synchronize our movement: “left-right-left-right”.  After kayaking, we used another boat to go around the river and take some photos… Before afternoon, the truck brought us to cookies house. We saw how villager made cookies and tasted some cookies  I found several kinds of cookies that also sold in Indonesia. Malaysia and Indonesia had a lot of similarity in food. I bought some cookies and got discount! Terima kasih 🙂

After buying some cookies, we went back to house. My foster dad asked me to bring the food from inside to outside the house. He asked in Javanese   just like this: “nduk, rewangi ibune nggowo panganan nang njobo” (daughter, help mom bringing the food outside the house). After bringing the food with Chee Lit’s and Bai’s help, the foster dad asked me again in Javanese, “wis dipindah panganane?” (have you moved the food). I answered, “sampun” (done).  “Lek wis rampung, koncone ajak mangan” (if you finished moved it, tell your friends to eat). Ok guys, lunch time!!!

While taking the food, Chee Lit said “do you know that this fish in the food were a kind of fish that we saw in the river?”. “Hah? Which river?” I surprised. “The river where we did kayaking,” said Chee Lit.  Wew, what a multipurpose river!   Just wondering if I didn’t take my slipper, would the fish eat my slipper?  #wild-imagination (but FYI, Tika had wilder imagination 😛 )

We had a break time after lunch until afternoon. Mila, Tika, and I watched bollywood movie inside the house. Hahaha. After watching television, our foster parent took us to the beach nearby. The beach was not so good but we had fun there, especially Yusuke who used mud for natural-facial! We wrote our names in the sand and took photos there 🙂

Cute Girls feat Mahmood

Yusuke's Facial Treatment

Hwang-Shui-Fang-Chisato-Guangkai-Kohei at The Beach

At the evening, we ate roasted corn together then had BBQ time while watching a traditional wedding ceremony. The groom, the bride, and the bridesmaid were Taiwanese students who also had student exchange program in UM . Yusuke was asked to be the best man of the wedding which mean he had to stand for several hours beside the groom with no break to eat. The BBQ was delicious, poor Yusuke :p

In the traditional wedding, there was traditional performance, Pencak Silat. Guest who want to congratulate the bride and the groom had to do several steps: giving a kind of leaves to bride and groom, giving yellow rice to bride and groom, throwing yellow rice to the back, splash water to bride and groom, and finally shaking hands. Guest who congratulated the bride and groom got the souvenir 🙂


My Beloved UM Friends and I - this photo was taken by our foster dad

The Bride and The Groom

The Souvenirs

After the artificial traditional wedding, we went back to our house. Since Ms. Leena had to bring Gu Yun to get some medicine (Gu Yun got allergy at the time 😦 ), we had some conversation while waiting for Ms. Leena coming with the key. The conversation was interesting, we talked about music. It was started with a discussion about Hotel California song then moved to another countries’ songs. “Every time I hear this song, I want to cry,” said Mahmood before playing a mp3 Parsi’s song. Then Mahmood sang a song. But I felt sleepy so I left the conversation. It was about 12 pm.

Third Day Activities

This was the last day staying in Papitusulem (we want more! we want more! hehe). In the morning, our foster parent prepared breakfast for us. The breakfast was nasi lemak (or noodle, I forget :P). Some boys really woke up late. Haha. Someone told that those boys had conversation until very late in the night. I wondered what they talked about… 

At Fish Pond

After having breakfast, we went to a coconut farm to drink and eat fresh coconut  Then we walked to fish ponds that were not really clean. Ahaha. There we saw fishes in the ponds (of course!). I tried to feed the fishes then I saw Mahmood and Ridhwan were trying to catch fishes. Ridhwan got a fish. Mahmood tried but failed. Mahmood tried again but failed again. Ridhwan told Mahmood how to catch a fish. Mahmood tried and Ms. Leena called. We should go back to house. If there was a lot of time, I would like to try catching fish, too. Hehe 😀

Ms. Leena vs Yagoub

It was raining when we arrived at the house. But the rain couldn’t stop us to buy ice cream, hehe 😀 After the rain stopped, some friends played traditional games. I didn’t join them because I was kinda tired. Then I took photos of them.

So everything that has a beginning, must has an ending… our foster parent sent us back to the gathering place we first came to had a closing ceremony. Huhu.. But, I asked my foster parent address and phone number so I could keep in touch with them 🙂 My foster dad said, “salam kanggo wong tua” (give my greeting for your parent). Ah, I didn’t even live one house with my parent.. but I would tell my parent when I meet them. Thank you, Pak Cik Nan 🙂

With Foster Dad

It seemed that we came too early at the gathering place. We had to wait but we could eat the food they prepared. Haha. While waiting for another friends, Tika accompanied me to bought cookies again. Then we took some photos with Taiwanese students. When taking photos, I just learnt a new word “kimochi” from Yusuke. Kohei told me that kimochi mean feeling good. But I was not feeling good to hear the word. Haha..the meaning should be “feeling good” instead of feeling good. 

At closing ceremony, each country had a representative to give some speech.. Dea was giving the speech to represent us from Indonesia, hehe. You were awesome, Dea! The closing ceremony ended. Before went into our bus and leaved Papitusulem, villagers gave us souvenir: a bag with cookies inside. Terima kasih 🙂

We really leaved Papitusulem. Sad 😦 But I must be grateful because the Homestay’s schedule was moved so I could join the Homestay Program. If the schedule wasn’t moved to one week earlier, I won’t have such a great memory in Papitusulem 🙂

Later I’ll tell why I might not be able to join the Homestay if the schedule wasn’t moved..

… to be continued…


AOTULE Student Exchange: First Week

The story continued here 🙂

After this story, I got a lot of experiences in the first week. I guessed I can write a novel, haha. I tried to tell about the first week of the AOTULE Student Exchange in this post, except the Homestay Program. I found a lot thing to tell about the homestay so I decided to make a special post… Then let me just continue the story…


Fang, Gu Yun, and Stephanie at Lab Visit

I woke up at 5 in the morning. Too early, right? I took a bath before subuh praying. I was diligent at the first day 

On this day, we had orientation/introduction to Dean and The Faculty. The Dean didn’t come because of another important activity. The orientation and free lunch were held in the conference room at level 4.  The orientation told us that UM is trying to get more international student, more publications, and higher education for the students. My campus should learn, I thought. After orientation, we were separated into several groups based on our major. The informatic engineering major  is under electrical engineering, so I went with Hwang and Jia Hao as our facilitator to the electrical engineering office  room at level 6. However we didn’t meet the head of electrical engineering major but we did have an interesting conversation 🙂 Since we didn’t meet the head of electrical engineering, Jia Hao invited us to go to campus mini market. There we met our undergraduate friends.

We went back to conference room then we were divided into several groups again. Groups were supposed to make some performance at the end of the program. My group member were Lawrence, Gu Yun, Minkai, Hwang, Dowan and myself. My group facilitator was Ridhwan who changed his habits time to time from acting-cool to acting-funny. Yet at the end of the program group performance done by a group of students from the same university. The last groups I think were better because we could do any iconic performance representing our university. After forming groups, we had break and visited CADCAM and Biomedical Labs. Then we went outside to exchange money and buy Malaysian hand phone number. Done that 😛

At night, I just got connected to the internet and had chit-chat with Indonesian friend while having dinner. My PC lost of battery and Fang was trying to give some help but I just decided to move back to the room.


group photo with UM symbol

We had lecture in the morning: Moral & Ethics in Engineering by Mr. Baharudin Khalid. I didn’t know why the lecturer seemed to like giving question for Indonesian student, especially me. May be because I use muslim cloth. My English is quite bad, so it took several minutes for me to answer his questions

After lunch,  we had campus touring with Jia Hao and Mahmood as the guides. Then we went to night market. The night market was just like Gasibu market in Bandung. I bought es air mata kucing (cat’s tears ice) and roasted corn. But I tasted a lot of food because my AOTULE friends invite me to eat what they bought together at Kolej’s cafetaria 

A Moral & Ethics in Engineering again by Mr. Baharudin Khalid. After the lecture, we visited electrical and mechanical labs. I didn’t understand about the labs 😛 At the evening 9 pm, we had some games with our facilitators. The first game was pillow-hitting. The rule: we were divided into two groups, there was a curtain between first and second groups, one person of each group had to bring pillow and stand behind the curtain, when the curtain dropped the person behind the curtain had to hit the person from the other group and mention his/her name, the lost person had to move to another group.  The second game was using paper to describe ourselves then the person who took our paper had to find the paper’s  owner. My paper was taken by Kohei and I took Chisato’s paper. Chisato described herself as “I love sleeping” 😀 The last game was shooting game. All of us made a circle, one person in the middle of circle shoot one person at the circle. When a person got shoot, he/she had to sit and person who stand on right and left of him/her had to shoot each other. The slower, the looser. The winner of this game was Bryan and everyone had a great night 🙂

At the morning, post graduate students were supposed to meet the head of study major. Hwang and I were guided by Cher and Chee Lit to visit the electrical engineering office and the laboratory. Since my campus didn’t ask for a credit transfer, I was not supposed to do some research, hehe. We still had enough time after laboratory visit so Hwang, Cher, Chee Lit, and I went to campus bookstore. The bookstore had a lot of new books but I just bought Malaysia map there 😛

Visiting SMART Tunnel

We also spent several minutes sitting in campus garden near engineering faculty and took some photos before having lunch at science faculty. Chee Lit was so kind, at the lunch he treat teh tarik 🙂 After having lunch, we went back to engineering faculty waiting for the bus. The bus took us to the SMART Tunnel. We got explanation from the SMART Tunnel’s builder about how SMART Tunnel can prevent traffic jam and flooding. I thought my country should learn from the SMART Tunnel’s project.

At evening, we had briefing about Homestay Malay Village at Papitusulem, Sekinchan Selangor. The next day we would go to the village at 11 am so we had to prepare everything during the night and the next morning. Visiting Papitusulem was a great experience for me even though I had visited village about four times before…

… to be continued…


AOTULE Student Exchange: The Arrival at Kuala Lumpur

So, as I mentioned in the previous post , I changed my flight schedule so that I used Bandung-Kuala Lumpur instead of Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur. The reason was simple: the price was cheaper if I go to Kuala Lumpur directly from Bandung 😛

My plan was like this: arriving at KL -> buying new hand phone number -> calling my senior high school friend (Tobil a.k.a Anggara) -> going to KL Sentral -> meeting Tobil -> going somewhere to buy some souvenirs and having lunch ->  going back to airport -> picking up by University Malaya. I didn’t ask to be picked up in the morning because I didn’t want to bother the university. It will be better if UM pick us at the same time, I thought. The plan was going right: Tobil and I were going to KLCC to have some lunch and buying some souvenirs in Petaling Street. Quite good except that Fahmi (my senior high school friend who also stayed in Malaysia) was angry because I didn’t tell him that I went to KL, hehe. I assumed you were already in Korea 😛

Since the airport is quite far from KL Sentral and KL Sentral to UM  is nearer than airport to UM, Tobil suggested me to tell the person that would pick me up from UM to pick me up in KL Sentral. At that time, I felt something strange: I didn’t have contact person list from UM! I called international student center office, but no answer.. It was sunday, the office was closed. So I just sent text message to Dea, told her to inform the person from UM that I was already in KL Sentral. None of us had the contact list.

Several hours later, Dea sent text message to me that she was already in LCCT airport and changed her phone number into Malaysian number. There was delay on her flight. After queuing in immigration office, Dea told me that she couldn’t find any person from UM. She assumed that the person should be back because of a long waiting time. I told Dea to go to KL Sentral so we can take taxi together to UM. I said that I was on the praying room. She agreed with me and sent a message: “ok, I use pink long sleeves t-shirt, we can meet on KL Sentral praying room because I haven’t pray yet..”  and I replied with: “Dea, the praying room is quite far from KL Sentral entrance, I think we can meet on the entrance”.  Dea didn’t reply my message because her handphone didn’t have enough battery. I was quite panic. I was waiting in the entrance, wandering around, going back to the entrance, going back to praying room, going back to the entrance, etc until I found that: KL Sentral has two separated praying room! Oh God, this place is quite huge… then I decided to go inside the nearer praying room from the entrance which was different from the first praying room I entered before.

After waiting for several minutes finally I saw a girl wearing pink long sleeves t-shirt entering the praying room. She is Dea! We haven’t met each other before, so lucky we could meet each other at KL Sentral.  After praying, we took a taxi to the UM but sadly we didn’t know where to go in a huge UM campus. Ha! Dea even had some arguing with the security officer because the security guard knew nothing about AOTULE. I was lucky to have Dea with me..haha. After that, Dea suggested to go to Kolej 8, where the person which name is printed on our AOUTLE’s acceptance letter might live. “We must meet him”, said Dea. At Kolej 8, luckily we met security guard who knew about the student exchange program. He said we must go to Kolej 10.

At Kolej 10, we met Mr. Razif who said: “Where have you been? We can’t contact you”. Sure, we have changed our number. I felt guilty since I changed my number and told Dea to do so 😦 Sorry.. never thought that he would make international call for us 😦  “Haven’t you received the contact person list? We sent it to your international student office”.. we were very surprised to hear what Mr. Razif told us later. Sure no! I just checked my email this afternoon. Thanks God, we can be in the right place but it would be less confusing if we had the contact person list with us.

After a tiring day, we had dinner together. At the dinner I met my AOUTULE friends as well as I met Mila, Tika, Mahmood, Ms. Leena, Mrs. Mariam, and Mr. Idzuan. I was really happy 🙂 At the dinner I saw a group of people chatting and laughing. I thought they were chatting in English but I was wrong, they were chatting in Chinese. How interesting!

I got my room’s key. Dea and I would stay in the same room: A-4-06. We never thought that it mean: building A, fourth floor, use stairs! Haha.. It was hard for us to bring our luggage to the fourth floor of the building but Syamsudin, Andreas, Tika, and Mila helped us a lot. When we arrived at the room, another girl was entering the same room. Never thought that she would be our roommates and best friend. She is Fang Ziwen from Tsinghua University 🙂

Anyway, based on Andreas story he met Mr. Idzuan also in an accident when they went to information center at LCCT. Then Andreas and Mr. Idzuan were waiting and searching for us in LCCT for several hours but we already in another place… Andreas and I knew that Andreas and Dea had the same flight but Dea didn’t know about it. On the other hand, Syamsudin and I also had the same flight but none of use knew about it. Quite funny, right? So the moral of the story are: never make a lot of assumptions and try your best to have a good communication.

… to be continued …


AOTULE Student Exchange: The Preparation

Assalammu’alaikum 🙂
Yap, jumpa lagi dengan saya di blog ini. Hehe. Saya baru saja mengalami hal yang luar biasa dan terlalu sayang untuk tidak ditulis. Kali ini mau nyoba nulis pakai bahasa Inggris yang masih-acak-adut biar teman-teman baru saya bisa membaca tulisan ini… Ok 🙂

It was such an ordinary morning on March 30, 2011 when I woke up again (after post-subuh-sleeping) and check my Plurk account. However, I found an extraordinary Plurk status informed that there is a student exchange’s offer for 4 weeks in Malaysia at this link.  The link said: if you want to join this program send email to Mrs. Ayu (my lecturer) contained curriculum vitae, academic transcript, and TOEFL/IELTS… DEADLINE IS TODAY. At that time, I didn’t have any idea about what would I do during the student exchange program, who offered the program, even when the program would take place. I didn’t have my TOEFL score. I just knew that I wanted a new experience.  Any kind of experience.  So I sent an email to Mrs. Ayu and said: “I want to join, but I don’t have the TOEFL score yet. So how can I join?” Kinda reckless…

Mrs. Ayu replied my email and said that I should ask my adviser lecturer, Mr. Saiful for the recommendation. So I asked him but unlucky he wasn’t informed about the program yet. Then he asked Mrs. Ayu for more information but unlucky again, she was teaching until the time of the deadline. So at the end of the day I just threw away my dream of getting a new experience aboard.

Just because God knows my every little dream, the next day I received an email from Mr. Saiful that he already gave me a recommendation letter to the study program’s officer, Mr. Ade. Mr. Ade gave me more information about this program: when the program will be held, what facility I would get, and also the schedule of the program. The next thing I should do was having TOEFL examination. I got 560 for TOEFL prediction but only got 547 for the real TOEFL so I just sent the TOEFL prediction, hehe. Luckily, the TOEFL score was accepted 😛

Several days later, I got phone call from international relation officer said that I could join the program but I should pay for my own airline ticket. I agreed to buy my own airline ticket since we can’t buy experiences, right? The next things I should do were sending health insurance (I already had it), filling the forms, making the passport, and buying the ticket airlines. I was sick when the deadline of sending the passport come. Actually the officer from international relation office never informed the real deadline except one day or two days before the deadline 😦 But I got a lot of help so I could meet the deadline 🙂

About the airline ticket: I changed my mind to book Bandung-Kuala Lumpur (arrival 9.15) ticket instead of Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur (arrival 14.xx). I said to international student officer: “I changed my plan but I think I will go to the airport again so I can picked up together with Dea and Andreas”. I just had Dea’s email, I asked her phone number and I also told her that I changed my plan. I was thinking that since Andreas and Dea had the same flight, they should have each other number but I was wrong.. and this less-communication lead to the confusing day when we arrived in Kuala Lumpur…

… to be continued


Masih Suka Nonton Barbie?


Halu semua (berharap masih ada yang baca blog ini, hehe). Lagi-lagi lama nggak nulis karena godaan si microblogging berkarma, ehehe. Daripada gak update, kali ini saya ingin cerita pengalaman pribadi…

Yup, di usia saya yang akan menginjak 23 tahun di tahun 2011 ini (amin), saya masih suka nonton film-film kartun tak terkecuali kartun Barbie. Hoho.. walaupun ceritanya super tidak realistis, tipikal, menjual kecantikan dan kegantengan, dsb2; saya menemukan beberapa nilai universal yang menarik dari film-film si Barbie ini, misalnya persahabatan, ketidakserakahan, kejujuran, kasih-sayang sesama manusia antar manusia dengan makhluk hidup lainnya, kesederhanaan, kebaikan hati, dan sebagainya. Tonton sendiri yak 😉 IMHO,  film-film Barbie ini gambar dan lagunya bagus-bagus ^^

And here is my favorite song, Two Voices One Song, OST Barbie and Diamond Castle

it’s so rare to find a friend like you,
somehow when you’re around the sky is always blue,
the way we talk,
the things you say,
the way you make it all ok,
and how you know all of my jokes,
but you laugh anyway Continue reading


Are You Happy with What You’re Doing?

Assalammu’alaikum 🙂

Udah lama gak ngeblog jadi kangen nulis juga, ehehe. Ingin sedikit bercerita tentang buka bersama lab RPL yang membuat saya berpikir keras.. ho3. 

Ceritanya seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, lab RPL mengadakan buka bersama. Yang beda dari tahun ini adalah buka bersama dilakukan sekaligus untuk menyambut asisten lab RPL baru dan alumni asisten.. hihi. Nah, salah satu alumni lab RPL (secara tidak diduga) memberikan wejangan-wejangan terkait karir dan pekerjaan. Beliau yang notabene memiliki gaji yang tidak bisa dikatakan sedikit plus fasilitas lengkap dari kantor akhirnya memutuskan untuk resign. Kenapa? Jawabannya singkat : karena tidak mendapatkan apa yang ingin didapatkan.

Dari obrolan tersebut, saya jadi mengingat kembali pelajaran yang sudah lama terlupakan : memahami keunikan diri. Jujur pada diri sendiri tentang hal-hal yang kita sukai ternyata begitu penting dalam memilih jalan saat kita berada dalam persimpangan (halah). Misalnya, dalam menentukan topik penelitian atau pekerjaan.

Katakanlah: “Tiap-tiap orang berbuat menurut keadaannya masing-masing.” Maka Tuhanmu lebih mengetahui siapa yang lebih benar jalannya.  (QS17:84)

Pilihlah suatu pekerjaan yang kamu suka mengerjakannya, maka secara tidak sadar kamu akan meluangkan waktu untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu Continue reading